Evidence Upload

The purpose of the uploader is to provide a simple interface for uploading evidence links to the blockchain during escrow disputes. Links must exist for the duration of the dispute (generally a maximum of 2 months). There are several methods for uploading evidence, and it is straightforward to add more.

  1. User provides their own link
  2. User provides files and the backend uploads to an S3-compatible data store
  3. (TBD) Pin on an IPFS node for the duration of a dispute

Currently, only Metamask is supported as a wallet provider for posting the link to the blockchain, but WalletConnect and other methods may be added in the future.

A hosted frontend and backend are provided by Solomon, a UI demo can currently be viewed at https://evidence.solomondefi.com

Evidence Uploader Frontend

See the web-evidence monorepo app for more technical details including setup and deploy procedures: https://github.com/SolomonDefi/solomon-monorepo/tree/main/apps/web-evidence

A Vue3 app for uploading dispute evidence links to the blockchain. Files may be provided via external link, or uploaded directly to the hosted backend. Metamask is used for executing the transaction.

Evidence Uploader Backend

See the api-evidence monorepo app for more technical details including setup and deploy procedures: https://github.com/SolomonDefi/solomon-monorepo/tree/main/apps/api-evidence

A FastAPI (Python) app for uploading dispute evidence links to the blockchain. DigitalOcean's spaces service is used for storing data, but it can be substituted with any S3 compatible service.

The URL Shortener is used to shorten links to reduce blockchain gas fees.